Thursday, October 13, 2011

Creating Classes

Ruby has numerous built-in classes, and additional classes may be defined in a Ruby program. To define a new class, the following construct is used:
class ClassName
# ...

The name of the class is itself a global constant and thus must begin with an uppercase letter. The class definition can contain class constants, class variables, class methods, instance variables, and instance methods. Class data are available to all objects of the class, whereas instance data are available only to the one object.
By the way: Classes in Ruby do not strictly speaking have names. The "name" of a class is only a constant that is a reference to an object of type Class (since in Ruby, Class is a class). There can certainly be more than one constant referring to a class, and these can be assigned to variables just as we can with any other object (since in Ruby, Class is an object). If all this confuses you, don't worry about it. For the sake of convenience, the novice can think of a Ruby class name as being like a C++ class name.

We have already learned how to define functions in ruby. Now lets make a complete greeter class to handle greetings:
class Greeter
def initialize(name = "world")

def sayHi
puts "Hello #{@name}"

def sayBye
puts "Bye #{@name}"
The new keyword here is class. This defines a new class called Greeter and a bunch of methods for that class. Also notice @name. This is an instance variable, and is available to all the methods of the class. As you can see it’s used by say_hi and say_bye.

Creating the object:"k2")

Instance variables in Class
Instance variables are hidden away inside the object. They’re not terribly hidden, you see them whenever you inspect the object, and there are other ways of accessing them, but Ruby uses the good object-oriented approach of keeping data sort-of hidden away.

puts Greeter.instance_methods

"method", "send", "object_id", "singleton_methods",
"__send__", "equal?", "taint", "frozen?",
"instance_variable_get", "kind_of?", "to_a",
"instance_eval", "type", "protected_methods", "extend",
"eql?", "display", "instance_variable_set", "hash",
"is_a?", "to_s", "class", "tainted?", "private_methods",
"untaint", "say_hi", "id", "inspect", "==", "===",
"clone", "public_methods", "respond_to?", "freeze",
"say_bye", "__id__", "=~", "methods", "nil?", "dup",
"instance_variables", "instance_of?"

Whoa. That’s a lot of methods. We only defined two methods. What’s going on here? Well this is all of the methods for Greeter objects, a complete list, including ones defined by ancestor classes. If we want to just list methods defined for Greeter we can tell it to not include ancestors by passing it the parameter false, meaning we don’t want methods defined by ancestors.


Output this time is:
"say_bye", "say_hi"

Class level variables in ruby
Getters and setters in ruby
Self in ruby

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