As we've seen, methods are typically used with simple class instances and variables by separating the receiver from the method with a period (receiver.method). In the case of method names that are punctuation, the period is omitted. Methods can take arguments:
Time.mktime(2000, "Aug", 24, 16, 0)
Note that there can be problems if the cumulative expression is of a type that does not support that particular method. Specifically, some methods return nil under certain conditions, and this usually causes any methods tacked onto that result to fail. (Of course, nil is an object in its own right, but it will not have all the same methods that, for example, an array would have.)
Certain methods may have blocks passed to them. This is true of all iterators, whether built-in or user-defined. A block is usually passed as a do-end block or a brace-delimited block; it is not treated like the other parameters preceding it, if any. See especially the example:
my_array.each do |x|
end { |f| some_action }
Named parameters will be supported in a later Ruby version like 1.9. These are called keyword arguments in the Python realm; the concept dates back at least as far as the Ada language. See here for named parameters.
Methods may take a variable number of arguments:
receiver.method(arg1, *more_args)
In this case, the method called treats more_args as an array that it deals with as it would any other array. In fact, an asterisk in the list of formal parameters (on the last or only parameter) can likewise "collapse" a sequence of actual parameters into an array:
def mymethod(a, b, *c)
print a, b
c.each do |x| print x end
# a=1, b=2, c=[3,4,5,6,7]
Ruby has the capability to define methods on a per-object basis (rather than per-class). Such methods are called singletons; they belong solely to that object and have no effect on its class or superclasses. As an example, this might be useful in programming a GUI; you can define a button action for a widget by defining a singleton method for the button object.
Here is an example of defining a singleton method on a string object:
str = "Hello, world!"
str2 = "Goodbye!"
def str.spell
str.spell # "H-e-l-l-o-,- -w-o-r-l-d-!"
str2.spell # error!
Be aware that the method is defined on the object, not the variable.
It is theoretically possible to create a prototype-based object system using singleton methods. This is a less traditional form of OOP without classes. The basic structuring mechanism is to construct a new object using an existing object as a delegate; the new object is exactly like the old object except for things that are overridden. This enables you to build prototype/delegation-based systems rather than inheritance based, and, although we do not have experience in this area, we do feel that this demonstrates the power of Ruby.
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