Here is a small interactive console-based program to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures:
print "Please enter a temperature and scale (C or F): "
str = gets
exit if str.nil? or str.empty?
temp, scale = str.split(" ")
abort "#{temp} is not a valid number." if temp !~ /-?\d+/
temp = temp.to_f
case scale
when "C", "c"
f = 1.8*temp + 32
when "F", "f"
c = (5.0/9.0)*(temp-32)
abort "Must specify C or F."
if f.nil?
print "#{c} degrees C\n"
print "#{f} degrees F\n"
Here are some examples of running this program. These show that the program can convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, and handle an invalid scale or an invalid number:
Please enter a temperature and scale (C or F): 98.6 F
37.0 degrees C
Now, as for the mechanics of the program: We begin with a print statement, which is actually a call to the Kernel method print, to write to standard output. This is an easy way of leaving the cursor "hanging" at the end of the line.
Following this, we call gets (get string from standard input), assigning the value to str. We then do a chomp! to remove the trailing newline.
Note that any apparently "free-standing" function calls such as print and gets are actually methods of Object (probably originating in Kernel). In the same way, chop is a method called with str as a receiver. Method calls in Ruby usually can omit the parentheses; print "foo" is the same as print("foo").
The variable str holds a character string, but there is no reason it could not hold some other type instead. In Ruby, data have types, but variables do not. A variable springs into existence as soon as the interpreter sees an assignment to that variable; there are no "variable declarations" as such.
The exit is a call to a method that terminates the program. On this same line there is a control structure called an if-modifier. This is like the if statement that exists in most languages, but backwards; it comes after the action, does not permit an else, and does not require closing. As for the condition, we are checking two things: Does str have a value (is it non-nil), and is it a non-null string? In the case of an immediate end-of-file, our first condition will hold; in the case of a newline with no preceding data, the second condition will hold.
The same statement could be written this way:
exit if not str or not str[0]
The reason these tests work is that a variable can have a nil value, and nil evaluates to false in Ruby. In fact, nil and false evaluate as false, and everything else evaluates as true. Specifically, the null string "" and the number 0 do not evaluate as false.
The next statement performs a chomp! operation on the string (to remove the trailing newline). The exclamation point as a prefix serves as a warning that the operation actually changes the value of its receiver rather than just returning a value. The exclamation point is used in many such instances to remind the programmer that a method has a side effect or is more "dangerous" than its unmarked counterpart. The method chomp, for example, returns the same result but does not modify its receiver.
The next statement is an example of multiple assignment. The split method splits the string into an array of values, using the space as a delimiter. The two assignable entities on the left-hand side will be assigned the respective values resulting on the right-hand side.
The if statement that follows uses a simple regex to determine whether the number is valid; if the string fails to match a pattern consisting of an optional minus sign followed by one or more digits, it is an invalid number (for our purposes), and the program exits. Note that the if statement is terminated by the keyword end; though it was not needed here, we could have had an else clause before the end. The keyword then is optional; we tend not to use it in this book.
The to_f method is used to convert the string to a floating point number. We are actually assigning this floating point value back to temp, which originally held a string.
The case statement chooses between three alternativesthe cases in which the user specified a C, specified an F, or used an invalid scale. In the first two instances, a calculation is done; in the third, we print an error and exit.
Ruby's case statement, by the way, is far more general than the example shown here. There is no limitation on the data types, and the expressions used are all arbitrary and may even be ranges or regular expressions.
There is nothing mysterious about the computation. But consider the fact that the variables c and f are referenced first inside the branches of the case. There are no declarations as such in Ruby; since a variable only comes into existence when it is assigned, this means that when we fall through the case statement, only one of these variables actually has a valid value.
We use this fact to determine after the fact which branch was followed, so that we can do a slightly different output in each instance. Testing f for a nil is effectively a test of whether the variable has a meaningful value. We do this here only to show that it can be done; obviously two different print statements could be used inside the case statement if we wanted.
The perceptive reader will notice that we used only "local" variables here. This might be confusing since their scope certainly appears to cover the entire program. What is happening here is that the variables are all local to the top level of the program (written toplevel by some). The variables appear global because there are no lower-level contexts in a program this simple; but if we declared classes and methods, these top-level variables would not be accessible within those.
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