Friday, October 14, 2011

Ruby from perspective of other programming languages

  • Don't confuse object attributes and local variables. If you are accustomed to C++ or Java, you might forget this. The variable @my_var is an instance variable (or attribute) in the context of whatever class you are coding, but my_var, used in the same circumstance, is only a local variable within that context.
  • Many languages have some kind of for loop, as does Ruby. The question sooner or later arises as to whether the index variable can be modified. Some languages do not allow the control variable to be modified at all (printing a warning or error either at compile time or runtime), and some will cheerfully allow the loop behavior to be altered in midstream by such a change. Ruby takes yet a third approach. When a variable is used as a for loop control variable, it is an ordinary variable and can be modified at will; however, such a modification does not affect the loop behavior! The for loop sequentially assigns the values to the variable on each iteration without regard for what may have happened to that variable inside the loop. For example, this loop will execute exactly 10 times and print the values 1 through 10:
    for var in 1..10
    puts "var = #{var}"
    if var > 5
    var = var + 2
  • Variable names and method names are not always distinguishable "by eye" in the immediate context. How does the parser decide whether an identifier is a variable or a method? The rule is that if the parser sees the identifier being assigned a value prior to its being used, it will be considered a variable; otherwise, it is considered to be a method name. (Note also that the assignment does not have to be executed but only seen by the interpreter.)
  • ARGV[0] is truly the first of the command-line parameters, numbering naturally from zero; it is not the file or script name preceding the parameters, like argv[0] in C.

Also the difference lines w.r.t operators and primary types

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